
Harvard, Massachusetts USA

180 mph, Rain, Banking, Mist
Those are the elements that Rick and his team mates faced for 24 long hours at the Rolex24.

A brief conversation with a tired Rick DiIorio revealed that the nature of his accomplishments last weekend are just beginning to sink in.

The short version is this, the banking in the rain is VERY SCARY!!! Imagine having to look out the PASSENGER window to see where you are going. Oh, yeah, remember that you can't move too close to the rail, because the Sports Prototypes are blowing by you like you are standing still. And don't bend it, as you guess where the infield starts, and try not to think about the tire that blew out at speed, or how many more hours to go.

Sleep? Ha, Rick says that it would have almost been better not to have the hour or two of naptime he did get.

On top of all that, shift gently, and remember that 2nd gear ain't there anymore, and a box full of neutral just won't cut it.

More to come, including a closer look at this team: a classic all Skip Barber Racing School collection, if ever there was: 2 instructors, 2 student, including a new car owner, and another father-son matchup to go along side the Earnhart team.

- David 

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